Miri Cooper
Doula & Hypnobirthing
I teach The Wise Hippo Birthing Programme.
The Wise Hippo is a complete antenatal programme that incorporates
Hypnobirthing techniques.
Together with the understanding how our body works, self hypnosis, relaxations and breathing techniques you will be able to achieve the best possible birth experience that is right for you and your baby on the day.
The skills and techniques you will learn in the sessions will help you stay calm and relaxed during labour and birth and fully in control; they will help you release any fears and anxieties you may currently have about giving birth; you will find yourself day dreaming and smiling about the birth of your baby and not for one moment doubting your ability to give birth.
Birth companions are very welcome as they will learn how to support you on the day and how to be your much needed anchor!
The Wise Hippo Birthing Programme is a complete 10 hour programme that runs as 4 x 2.5 hour classes. A workbook and 7 x mp3s are provided to our expectant couples to support their practice at home.

You can NOW learn The Wise Hippo Birthing Programme LIVE and ONLINE to reduce any pregnancy anxiety and prepare for the birth of your baby. Hypnobirthing and Antenatal education are now available online
So what will you learn during the course.....
Class 1: Confident
Class one is designed to open your mind to a different way of thinking and if your partner is
sceptical somewhat then they will enjoy learning the science behind it all in this class. You and your birth partner will lay a great foundation upon which to grow in confidence.You and your Birth Partner will lay a great foundation upon which to grow in confidence.
Bust any negative beliefs you may have about birth.
Get comfortable with what we mean by hypnosis. There are no swinging watches and getting you to cluck like a chicken we promise.
Familiarise yourself with the physiology of birth so you can let go of worrying about how all of that stuff works. We bet you will be fascinated.
Understand how the mind interprets PAIN… so that you can learn how to manage and control it.
Take charge of your thoughts so that you can enjoy your pregnancy and look forward to your birth, rather than feeling anxious and worried when it is a time for joy and happiness.
Class 2: Calm
Learn how to become an expert in relaxation so that you can feel calm, relaxed and in control in the lead up to and during your baby’s birth. Class two will focus on the techniques that will help you stay calm and how your birth partner can support you with that. What does relaxation mean to you and how long does it take for you to really feel relaxed?
Discover how to use your breath during labour to enable the birth cocktail of hormones to flow in just the right way.
Learn how to distract your mind away from your body so that you can distance yourself from any pain.
Set up useful anchors to relaxation that you can use any time you want any extra boost of those feel good hormones
Feel confident in the fact that your partner is learning how to use all of these tools and techniques with you, so that they can help you use them on the day.
Class 3: Consider
Class three is all about learning to connect with your emotions and bonding with your baby. You will need to take time to consider what is important to you when you are birth planning and know what options are available to you.
Where do you want to birth?
What do you want your birthing environment to be like?
Who do you want to be with you?
How do you want to get labour started?
These are the kinds of questions you will be exploring, so that you can plan for the birth you want.
Experience a powerful FEAR RELEASE session so that you can look forward to your baby’s birth.
Class 4: Celebrate
Bringing it all together so that you feel confident, ready and prepared for your very special day. Class four provides much information for your birth partner so that they can be the best support that they can be for you on the day. This class will help you both make informed decisions on the day. After all, you will only get one chance to birth your baby!
The focus is on your Birth Partner so that they fully understand how you want them to support you on the day.
Enjoy Soothing Strokes an incredibly simple form of light massage to stimulate your body’s natural pain relief.
Use your B.R.A.I.N.S. to make sure that you have a structure way to ask questions if required.
Explore the best Birthing Positions to support an easier more comfortable birth.
Learn birth humming to help avoid unnecessary forced pushing for birth.
Walk through your labour and birth from it getting started to holding your baby in your arms and how what you have been learning fits in with that.
For more information about the programme please get in touch or visit The Wise Hippo website.
Birth Doula and Hypnobirthing packages are available. Please contact me for more details.
Course fees:
Group - Prices start from £340 per couple (depending on location)
Private - Prices start from £ 450 (depending on location)
Online Group Price - £300
Online Private Price - £385
Hypnobirthing Testimonials:
"Miri has been absolutely amazing throughout my hypnobirthing course, and she even supported me after birth with my breastfeeding troubles. As a first time mum, I can’t believe that I actually enjoyed my unmedicated birth experience and I can’t wait to do it all over again! Highly recommended! "Mel
"Hi Miri, hope you are well.
Just wanted to be in touch to say that xxx was born on Friday morning at home, 7lbs 4oz. We are thrilled. We used the wise hippo techniques and baby was born 2 ish hours after midwife arrived, bedroom floor, x and i were laughing throughout​. And the techniques really came into their​ own during the birth which i felt so much more in control of than last time and meant i was able to really feel how powerful it was. Will never forget it! " L & L
"xxx was born on 5 March at 1:33 am. She weighed 6 lbs and 12 oz :)
My water broke at 12:30am on the 4th (her due date!). We went into the Rosie to have an induction booked but I started getting contractions within a few minutes of my waters breaking so we weren't too worried about that. They sent us back to the house until I was farther along. I had B go upstairs to get some sleep (we'd only been asleep for about and hour before my water broke). I napped on the couch between surges. Around 8am they started coming a bit more often, but not close enough together until about 7pm when we went back to the Rosie. I was able to get into the birth tub fairly soon after we got there and did most of my labour in the tub. About an hour or two before she was born, her heartbeat got too fast so I had to get out of the tub and finish delivering her on the bed. I was pretty tired by that point so I was on my side for the rest of her delivery. She was so incredibly alert from the moment she was born, huge open eyes :) Transition was definitely rough, but I made it through the entire process with just a TENS machine until I got into the pool, no pain killers or even gas and air. B was incredible through the whole thing, kept bringing me back to focus during transition. We definitely felt prepared for the entire process so thank you so much for all your help!" Gloria
"I had been looking through my diary at 39 weeks pregnant and I noticed that a full moon was coming up. I joked to my Mum that I would definitely have my baby on that date.
As part of my hypnobirthing practice, I was asked to write my ideal birth story. I wrote out a detailed description of what I wished for in terms of timings, how the labour would start and progress, where I would give birth and way the immediate time post delivery would play out. I read out my ideal birth story to my husband whilst cuddling my full moon baby and amazingly my story written about 8 weeks before my labour began, was identical to my actual experience.
One evening I felt different and decided that I was getting more Braxton Hicks than normal so decided I would go in the bath to relax. I lay there immersed in bubbles listening to my hypnobirthing scripts and the sound of waves hitting the shore. I was so relaxed that I barely registered that the Braxton Hicks I was getting were 5 minutes apart, however totally painless. I sent a message to a friend and asked her what she thought about this! She thought I probably ought to get out of the bath given that my daughter was born pretty rapidly 4 years ago. I decided to go to sleep as nothing seemed to be changing and I wasn't sure I was going into labour at all. At about 4am I woke up and thought there was a small possibility that I was in labour and due to my previous fast labour, I had been instructed by my midwife to phone the Birth Centre as soon as I had an inkling something might be happening. I phoned the Birth Centre who said to come in and my husband and I said a tentative goodbye to my Mum who was staying with us, as we were fairly confident that we would be sent home again.
In the car I used my essential oil blend I had specifically created for use in labour and had used it through pregnancy as an anchor for deep relaxation, and I listened to the hypnobirthing scripts to get in to 'the zone'. We got to the Birth Centre and I was still unconvinced that I was in labour. The midwife had already run the water for the birth pool and as she went through my birth plan and my husband set up the room with essential oils diffusing, flameless candles and my woven wrap hanging from the ceiling to use in labour, I focused more deeply on relaxing and grounding myself. The surges I was feeling now were stronger but I didn't have any trouble talking through them. I used a hot water bottle on my back every time I felt a surge and I retreated into myself so that I could visualise my relaxing place by the sea.
When the midwife suggested I got into the birth pool, I was initially reluctant as I didn't think I was in labour yet and I was concerned about slowing down the build up to labour. However she convinced me and I felt very much as if I was at a spa. I continued to use my essential oil blend and listen to the hypnobirthing scripts whilst chatting to the midwife and my husband. I remember at one point asking the midwife if she thought I was in established labour yet. She gave me a vague answer and I felt reassured that things were moving in the right direction, so it was a surprise to me when during some strong surges minutes after I had asked her that question I felt the need to push. The midwife told me afterwards that she had been stifling laughter at my question and had thought to herself that if I wasn't in established labour then she had no idea what was going on! My waters broke at this point and I remember feeling overwhelmed by the speed at which the labour was progressing. I asked my husband to put on music rather than the hypnobirthing scripts at this point as I wanted our baby to be born to music like our first born was. Minutes later our second daughter was born in the pool and I scooped her up into my arms. My husband cut the cord after giving it time to stop pulsating and he held our newborn skin to skin whilst I got out of the pool to deliver the placenta.
As soon as the placenta was out, I had skin to skin with our baby girl and as she lay on my chest, she was able to breast crawl across for her first feed. She and I had skin to skin time for a couple of hours and then she was weighed and had her newborn checks.
The labour was recorded as 1 hour 15 minutes, I had none of the complications (post partum hemmorhage and retained placenta requiring going to theatre) I had in my first delivery, I didn't tear and I had very minimal blood loss. I was ready to go home a few hours later feeling extremely well and physically I felt pretty normal, certainly not like I had just given birth! " Lizzie
What the Midwives think of Hypnobirthing:
I work in Cambridge, surrounding villages around Cambridgeshire, Hertfordshire and Bedfordshire., North London and parts of Essex.
I'm happy to travel up to 40 miles from Royston, Hertfordshire.